Thursday, August 16, 2007

Beside Myself

You know that crazy expression that someone is "beside herself"? You're jumping with joy so much that you may be multiplying, or your image becomes blurred with all that jumping? Or you're so excited you're looking at yourself in wonderment that that person who is you is so stoked? Well, I'm not literally jumping because I'm too heavy at the moment to do much hopping and jumping without injuring myself. But if I could, that's what I'd be doing. Let's just say I'm so excited I can barely contain myself. Why, you wonder?

Cherry Hill Seminary has just launched a brand new Chaplaincy Program under the direction of Patrick McCollum. Patrick, Brighde Indigo, Malendia Maccree and I (as Chair of the Public Ministry Department, of which this is our first really big official program) worked out this program over a period of months. We've been ready to launch it since January, but only now has CHS filled in our infrastructure sufficiently, with the hiring of two wonderful new volunteer professionals, Jane Raeburn, our PIO in Maine, and Eddie Cranford, our Tech Dean in South Carolina, to announce it to the world.

Hooray for Jane and Eddie! Hooray for Patrick, Brighde, Malendia and me! Hooray for those students who join us! Hooray for Pagandom!


Cat C-B (and/or Peter B) said...

This is such great news... I'm really looking forward to watching this program flower and bear fruit!

Anonymous said...

This is awesome, exciting news!! I only wish I lived close enough to apply to the program!

Broomstick Chronicles said...

You can apply, Fey. Our campus and classrooms are in cyberspace.