Friday, February 08, 2008

Is Time Accelerating?

Does it feel to you as though the whole world is whizzing by while you're standing trying to keep your balance? It feels that way to me. Especially in the context of contemporary Paganism. What is it? Is it getting completely absorbed into the overculture? Is is selling out? Is it so trendy now that it's lost its edge? I have no answers, just lots of perplexity.


  1. I agree that change is happening more rapidly than in times past. It is a cultural phenomenon and is affecting Paganism as well. I see Pagan movements, traditions and organizations rise and fall faster now. The way I deal with it is to keep an eye on the outer world, but make sure I am firmly grounded in my tradition and practices. That becomes an anchor for me in these times of rapid change.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. (I had to delete the above comment because I got the name of the book wrong!) Barbara Hand Clow has an excellent book out "The Mayan Code" where she uses Carl Calleman's way of interpreting the Mayan calendar to account for this time acceleration that we're all experiencing. I highly recommend the book, fwiw

  4. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I do feel like the world moves pretty quickly. No matter how fast I'm moving, I don't feel like I can keep up and it's exhausting to try. I don't mind standing still sometimes and catching my breath. I might miss a lot, but at least I'm taking care of myself.

  5. Anonymous1:15 PM

    "Paganism. ... Is it getting completely absorbed into the overculture? Is is selling out? Is it so trendy now that it's lost its edge?"

    No. Yes. Yes.


    Just me 2 cents. YMMV.

  6. Macha--

    The older one gets, the faster time goes by.

    That's the way it be!

