What came to mind during their brief ritual when we were invited to offer blessings was a poem by one of my all-time favorite poets, the imagist Amy Lowell. Called "A Decade," this poem was written by a woman to a woman. To me, it's from a lover to a lover, and suits any committed relationship that's lasted, for a decade or for a quarter century, or more.
A DecadeThen again on 7/7/07 at 7:07 p.m. Corby and I celebrated my sister Catherine's wedding to painter Anthony Montanino. They exchanged vows at 7:07. The reception was held out on the Palo Alto Baylands Preserve. They had a drawing at the reception for two tiles painted by Anthony, as well as a painting of a scene of the cable car line at Mason and Union Streets in North Beach, San Francisco, directly across the street from the Mason Street flat where Deirdre was born. We didn't win the drawing, though.
When you came, you were like red wine and honey,
And the taste of you burnt my mouth with its sweetness.
Now you are like morning bread,
Smooth and pleasant.
I hardly taste you at all for I know your savour,
But I am completely nourished.
Anthony's possessed of a remarkably even disposition, in contrast to his wife's more high-strung one. And Gods know he's more than proven himself as he's supported Catherine, and us, through some challenging domestic crises! I'm glad to have him in the family.
Photo taken immediately after Catherine and Anthony's wedding ceremony.

Very front row: Bride Catherine, with groom Anthony behind her; their UU minister.
Front row only: Corby in kilt, me, Vincent Porthé, husband of Catherine's daughter Rainbow in green strapless; Catherine's daughter Allie in yellow print sun dress; Anthony's daughter Gina; Anthony (mentioned above); Anthony's nephew Ray; his brother Lewis' girlfriend in pink and brother Lewis with arm around her; seated in pink is Victoria, an old college friend of Catherine. Two people behind me is my daughter Deirdre in dress with dark bodice and white sweater on shoulders.
May the Goddess bless them all.
Is that a whip that she is holding??
LOL. It's a single purplish Cala lily.
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